Technology at TruDiagnostic:

Methylation Bioinformatic

Research Services

Typical calculation outputs offered from our TruAge Complete package include:

- IDOL Immune Cell Subset Analysis
- EpiDish Immune Cell subset analysis
- HypoClock
- EpiToc2
- PCHorvath2013
- PCHannnum2013
- PCPhenoage
- TruAge Clock
- DunedinPACE
- PCGrimAge
- PC Telomere Length
- Preprocessing via Sesame, WateRmelon, ENMIX with general methylation profiling based on the Illumina EPIC array.


Methylation Analysis

Conduct generic methylation analysis using the Insilico PandaOmics Platform.

- Differential methylation analysis

- Pathway Analysis: General pathway identification of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) and/or CpGs (DMCs).

- Actionable Target Identification

Tailor methylation analysis to your project's requirements

  • Specific normalization and pre-processing with batch effect corrections.
  • Custom data exploration visualization with PCA, MDS, and other technologies.
  • Custom Age outputs, like AltumAge or a custom clock.
  • Custom differential methylation regions, or CpG analysis scripts.
  • Use regression modeling or machine learning for focused statstical analysis against covariates.
  • Gene ontology analysis using DAVID, GREAT, or other pathway ontology program.
  • Literature review of functionally relevant CpGs and beta value analysis

IRB Research Services

Principal Investigator


We can help you find a Principal Investigator for your study by reaching out to our vast network of over 10,000 healthcare providers

Institutional Review Board

Use our freestanding IRB for your research project.

We can assist you with the initial approval, amendments, and continuous or annual reviews, as needed.

We can also provide assistance in developing protocol, informed patient consent, and provide examples to refer to during the development of your study.