

The most complete collection of diagnostic reports to benchmark your biological— not chronological age.

Discover Your True Age

"It’s not enough to know what your genetics are."

"You must be able to measure their effect on your health span. TruDiagnostics reports will show you where the impact of your lifestyle, combined with your genetics, is prematurely aging you or heading you toward disease or conversely, that your epigenetics (the way you live your life) are making you younger and healthier in spite of your genetic predispositions.

When you compare yourself to your cohorts to see if you’re aging faster or more slowly and get control of your genetic risks, you live a longer, healthy life.”

— Susan Bratton, CEO, The20

What Is

Biological Aging?

When your cells break down and stop doing their job properly, that's called 'biological aging.'

When cells stop doing their job, this can initiate diseases - especially chronic diseases.

Since your DNA contains the instructions your cells need to do their jobs, many causes of biological aging can be traced back to "how well are my genes communicating with my cells?"

With TruAge, we look at the markers that control your genes' ability to communicate their instructions. These markers change in response to lifestyle factors like nutrition, sleep, stress, and much more.

By reading those markers, we can learn about how your body is really aging, directly from the source.

Accelerated biological aging is the #1 predictor of chronic disease

TruAge helps you track biological aging throughout your body

Change your lifestyle to change the way you age.

How do I use TruAge?

Once you order, we will send you an at-home sample collection kit.

This kit includes detailed instructions, and all the supplies you need to collect a sample and send it to our lab.

Once our lab recieves your sample, we'll let you know. 2-3 weeks after that, your reports will be ready to view!

Reports You'll Receive:

Core Age Tracking

◦ Epigenetic Biological Age | Your Whole-Body Summary

◦ Telomere Length | Aging based on cellular replication

◦ Dunedin PACE | A speedometer for your current rate of aging

Trait Reports

◦ Extrinsic Epigenetic Age | Immune System Impact on Age

◦ Intrinsic Epigenetic Age | Aging Independant of Immune System

◦ Immune cell-type ratios and CD4:CD8 ratio

◦ Your Weight Loss Response to Caloric Restriction

And More!


We make a complex subject easy for you.

Gain meaningful, actionable insights about your aging with just a few drops of blood.


TruAge is used in clinical studies worldwide.

It has been reviewed and approved by independent board-certified physicians.


We take data security seriously and will never sell it to a third party.

Our laboratory is CLIA certified, and HIPAA compliant.

Why Choose TruAge?

✓ 2 - 3 week turnaround time once we receive your sample.

✓ Easy at-home fingertip blood collection.

✓No third-party data sharing - HIPAA compliant

✓ One of the largest private epigenetic databases in the world. Our testing is accurate, thorough, and detailed.

✓ Trusted as an objective measurement of aging by research institutions and clinical trials worldwide.

✓ Lifetime Guarantee: free updates as we learn more about the epigenome.