Exclusive Algorithm:


Epigenetic measures of methylation have been one of the most exciting areas of medicine since 2013 when they first gained notoriety for being the most accurate method to predict biological age.

Learn Your Pace of Aging

Change How You View Aging

Biologically, Aging is the process of your cells slowly losing function over time.
Accelerated Pace of Aging increases the speed at which your cells functions fail, throughout your body.

It shows itself in both outward signs of aging, and impacts things like muscle strength, balance, frailty, and much more. 

Think of it like a Speedometer for your Aging process.

A static clock like our normal biological age or immune age measurements only show how much your body has aged up to this point. The ‘distance’ you’ve aged. DunedinPACE shows how fast you’re currently aging. 

Aging is a lifelong process

The latest studies into aging, disease, and mortality have shown that our previous models of aging didn’t show the whole picture.
Years ago, we used to think that people just developed diseases later in life, which made them frailer and eventually pass away.

The latest aging and longevity research finally shows that connection. Early adversity influences a person’s entire body – down to their gene expression. These aging markers create significant changes to the brain, immune system, and the rest of your body at a deeply fundamental level.

Facial Aging

For this comparison, researchers overlaid the faces of the 10 people with the slowest pace-of-aging biomarkers, 10 who were aging at the average rate, and 10 who were showing the largest signs of accelerated aging.
This created an “average face” for each style of aging.

All the individuals involved in these renders share the same chronological age. All of them were born in 1972.

Effect on the Brain

Pace of Aging also showed a strong influence on brain health. A highly folded brain surface, with a greater surface area and thicker cerebral cortex generally indicates a greater brain power and higher intelligence.

Someone who had a slower pace of aging generally did better on memory and intelligence tests, and had better measures of brain health.

But chronically accelerated aging created both a notable loss of cortical thickness and reduced surface area of the brain.

Test Early, Intervene Early

The diseases studied didn’t appear suddenly. Many could be predicted decades ahead of time, by tracking markers of accelerated aging. This means folks could start acting to prevent those diseases, decades ahead of time.

By stepping in to reduce Pace of Aging markers, you also reduce the risk of developing diseases like Diabetes, COPD, Heart Disease, and Stroke, that those markers predict.

Even at 3 years old, pace of aging was found to predict health outcomes they’d face at age 45.

Changes to Pace of Aging is especially effective when you start young.

People of all ages should pursue a slower pace of aging, to have a longer life with fewer age-related diseases.

Why is this revolutionary?

Differentiate between current Aging versus overall aging A single Biological Age result offers a good overall idea of how much your body has already aged, to this point. However, it doesn’t differentiate the past influences from how you are living and aging currently.

This new algorithm is able to tell you how quickly you are aging RIGHT NOW, at the moment you took the test. It’s a speedometer for your current aging, rather than an assessment of how far you’ve already gone.

Get real-time feedback for REAL personalized medicine. One of the big issues aging medicine has faced is that we didn’t have an objective metric to appropriately measure aging, and the changes in aging rates. Now we do!

We can now can make aging a far more personalized experience.

For instance, some people might have drastically different responses to the same medication.

If you gave 2 patients an NAD+ supplement for aging, you can now see which is responding better to the intervention. With DunedinPACE, we have a metric that can measure aging on a personal level.

One of the most highly predictive algorithms 954 people in a long-term study named “The Dunedin Study” verified that the people this algorithm identified as aging faster did have a greater long-term risk of poor health, developing chronic diseases, or dying earlier.

Similarly, those identified as aging more slowly, later performed significantly better on tests of balance, strength, and mental ability.

Even being slightly above 1 on this metric increases your risk of death in the next 7 years by 56%, and increases your risk of chronic disease diagnosis by

Better sensitivity and detection The sensitivity of biological age testing is limited in shorter periods of time.

Through studies using DunedinPACE, like the CALERIE study, we know that this algorithm can be a more appropriate method to validate interventions within shorter timeframes.

Dr. Eileen Crimmons in USC evaluated DunedinPACE, and found it was the most predicative age-related biomarker for health consequences.