Our Timeline

April 2020

TruDiagnostic opens new epigenetic testing laboratory

A new biotechnology startup focusing on epigenetics and epigenetic aging, available to researchers.

July 2020

TruDiagnostic begins offering epigenetic testing to the public

"We hope this access will encourage customers to ask questions and build more interest in participating in clinical research to expand both epigenetics and preventative medicine."

TruDiagnostic signs an exclusive license agreement with Duke University to use the DunedinPoAm rate of aging algorithm

This will result in the first consumer-facing access to a test that determines a person’s epigenetic pace of aging with the DunedinPoAm algorithm.

TruDiagnostic receives CLIA Lab Status and Launches New Portal for Providers and Patients

Los Angeles, CA

TruDiagnostic licenses Mitotic Clock developed by Van Andel Institute and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

TruDiagnostic says they will be working with the teams at Van Andel Institute to further develop this Mitotic Clock, and help it reach its full potential.

TruDiagnostic releases a new expansion for their epigenetic testing service: Telomere Length Estimation.

This expansion gives an accurate estimation of telomere length, based on methylation.

New cell-type deconvolution method for saliva created, now undergoing scientific validation.

Validating this method would expand the amount of epigenetic samples available to researchers, because the public is more familiar and comfortable with offering saliva samples for genomic research.

State funding awarded in efforts to validate TruDiagnostic’s new imprintome array for use by researchers

TruDiagnostic recently created a new imprintome array, developed with the help of Illumina and our partners at North Carolina State University.

Development underway for a new generation, multi-omic biological age clock.

TruDiagnostic announces a new collaboration with Brigham’s Women’s Hospital and Seer Inc. to produce a next-generation age predictor developed using a combination of proteomic, genomic, metabolomic, epigenetic and complete clinical covariates.

Our Mission: to help people understand, access, and benefit from their epigenome. We also research & develop epigenetic analysis methods in the effort to create new methylation-based medical diagnostic tools.

Our Core Values:



TruDiagnostic is built by scientists, so all of our decisions are made with real evidence and real research. We only ever use proven processes and are committed to the high standards that allow us to be a trusted source of epigenetic information.

Creating the Rosetta Stone of epigenetic information & health

We want to revolutionize the Health and Aging industry.
Biological Aging is only the first step. We've leveraged data generated in the largest private epigenetic database in the world to create tools that look at specific methylation to detect changing disease risk. We're already running clinical trials with products that claim to reduce aging, to see if they’re really as effective as they say they are.
We’re working with universities and top scientists from around the world to create new methods of epigenetic identification, new algorithms, and expanding what was once an epigenetic testing lab into a full multi-omic suite.
We want to deliver the most accurate, most comprehensive epigenetic analysis that we can, without compromise.


Epigenetics is still a pretty new field. ‘Health’ and ‘Aging’ are used as buzzwords for a lot of pseudoscience, but they’re also real and important concepts in the human effort to lengthen our lifespans and improve long-term quality of life. We want to help educate the public about how habits and choices can change you at the epigenetic level, and how people have more control over their own general health than they assume.

Our Team

The wellbeing of our company depends on the wellbeing of our employees. We support each other, and learn from each other’s diverse experiences. We want to foster a positive, collaborative environment with plenty of opportunity to grow.


Dr. Lasky-Su is an Associate Professor in Medicine and Associate Statistician and Epidemiologist
at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Dr. Lasky-Su has focused on the analysis of genetics, genomics, and metabolomics data in large scale human studies,

Dr. Lasky-Su, ScD

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Daniel L. Stickler is the Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer at Apeiron ZOH Inc. He is also the Medical Director for the Neurohacker Collective

Dr. Stickler, MD

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. David Haase serves as medical advisor to Evoke Neuroscience – a company that delivers technologies that promote brain health, and Metabolon – which develops metabolomics diagnostics for precision medicine.

Dr. Haase, MD

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Dominique Fradin-Read is board certified in Preventive Medicine. She is also a Fellow of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. She now holds an appointment as Assistant Clinical Professor at the Loma Linda University School of Medicine.

Dr. Fradin-Read, MD

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Gregory Hannum developed one of the first Epigenetic Clocks. He received his Ph.D in Bioengineering from the University of California. He is an author of more than 16 publications and 4 patents.

Dr. Hannum, PH.D.


Media Contacts

For press inquiries, speaker requests, or kit requests, please contact
support@trudiagnostic.com, or reach out through our Contact Us form.


Want to begin your career in the world of epigenetics? We’re hiring!